Transcriptions and scans from magazines and books covering the complete
history of Sleepaway Camp in the media.
Fangoria #26, 1983, by Bob Martin
Insightful interview about Ed's FX work on SC1 and other horror films.
Lock Up The Kids, 3rd Sleepaway Sequel Set
The Atlanta Journal Constitution,
October 9, 1987, by Scott Cain
An early look at SC3 while SC2 was still being made.
Quick Glance At Oeuvre Of Simpson
The Atlanta Journal Constitution,
April 28, 1989, bBy Steve Dollar
A rundown of Michael Simpson's projects & slightly humorous look at SC2/3 and... 4?
of the Sleepaway Camp Sequels
Fangoria #73, May '88, by Gregory Nicoll
In-depth set visit focuses on SFX as well as cast/crew interviews.
Camp 2 & 3
Cinefantastique Vol 20 No. 3, January 1990, by Gregory Nicoll
Well written article on the theatrical and video releases of the sequels.
Cross Invokes Logo Rights
Medialone News, Nov 8th 2002, by Joy Zaccaria
Well detailed piece on the Survival Kit packaging debacle.
Sleepawayer Reawakens
Fangoria #222, May 2003, by Michael Gingold
Interview with Felissa Rose.
Camp Turned Hollywood: Movie Set in Starlight
Honesdale-Wayne Independent, September 2003, by Peter Becker
Pre-shoot *ahem* imaginative info about Return to Sleepaway Camp.
& Magazine Reviews
Various Sources -
Transcribed reviews from film review books and horror mags.
Miscelaneous Article Scans
Direct scans of smaller articles from the past.
Gorezone UK, Jan 2008
Rolling Stone