Silent Madness

Kamhi and Paul DeAngelo were two standouts in the supporting cast of Sleepaway
Camp, playing shower victim Meg and short-shorts Ronnie. Seeing an actor from the film in another movie is one thing.
If that film is a horror, that is another thing. But two performers from
the film in a horror movie? Yep, it happened in 1983 when Kathy & Paul
worked on Silent Madness in New York. They may have known it under
a different name during the shoot, when it varied between
Screamers and The Omega Factor to name a few.
plays a horny teenager named... Paul, who's about to get it on with his
girl in the back of a van when the movie's psychopath interrupts. He gets
the honor of being first victim when he's sledgehammered before the killer
tosses a cartoony hatchet into his girlfriend's back (it was shot in 3D!).
Kathy breezes right through the film featuring as a sorority sister that completely disappears after finding Paul's
super buff corpse, not even getting a customary kill scene.