Interview With Mark Oliver (2001)
The character of Tony was the sole male survivor of Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage
Wasteland, and Angela probably has him to thank for stopping Marcia from
cutting her up every which way but loose. Tony was also a stereotype that
rose above it, thanks to careful scripting, and of course, the actor himself,
Mark Oliver. Now in his first current interview about the role, Oliver discusses
his mark, pun intended, on the late 80's cult treasure. Mark says: "I
think it is wonderful that SC movies have such a loyal fan base!"
Sleepaway Camp Films:
How'd you land the Tony role and what had you been doing up until then?
Mark Oliver:
I had to audition for the role of Tony, and subsequently got a callback
for it where I read for Michael Simpson, the director. I think they had
it narrowed down to three guys at the callback, and I REALLY wanted the
job. I felt good about my read, and was thrilled to hear that I got the
part. I still remember the excitement I felt when I heard I got the job.
Up until that, I had been studying acting and going on auditions sporadically.
I had worked on a film project and some local television shows and commercials,
all the while maintaining a 'real' job at UPS.
SCF: Did
you bond with anyone during the shoot?
Oliver: Tracy
Griffith and I became close during the shoot, as a direct result of most
of our scenes being together! She is a very talented actor, as well as
friendly and personable. We kept in touch for a short while after filming
was competed. Pamela was also nice, but a little distant. Perhaps she
was getting into character. I do remember that she was very professional.
One of the moments that stands out regarding Pamela was during a campfire
scene where she, myself, and "Greg" (character name) were sitting
around the fire between takes and Greg asked Pamela "Are you really
Bruce Springsteen's sister?". I wanted to crawl under the nearest
rock. Pam took it in stride, as I'm sure she is hit with that quite frequently.
Greg and I spent a lot of time together as well. He was a very nice kid.
I still see Kim Wall at auditions on occasion. What SC3 doesn't show you,
is the sense of humor that Kim possesses. She is a lot of fun to be around.
cool was the fight scene between you and King Detroit?
fight scene with Riff and I is probably my favorite scene in the movie.
Both Daryl and I wanted it to be as believable as possible, so the testosterone
was very high that day! He was really great to work with. We both gave
it our all during that scene, and had an absolute blast doing it. Daryl
is a very talented actor. The scene where he hits Kim in the face with
the oatmeal still cracks me up.
importantly, how hot was Tracy Griffith? And Kim Wall?
would classify both Tracy and Kim as definite Hotties. One thing that
SC3 did not lack, were attractive ladies!
not even get into the hair but wasn't that hankerchief a bit too much?
The hair, oh yes, the hair. What can I say? It was the 80's. There is
NO excuse though, for the handkerchief. Don't ask me what was going on
with that John, 'cause I don't know. It was done on a whim, and no one
said anything about it to the contrary so it stuck. For some reason, my
fashion statement didn't translate to any of the actual L. A. gangs. Go
you really Mexican?
I'm actually Italian. My real last name is Olivieri.
was most difficult duty about the gig?
is a tough one. I truly didn't mind working at night or in the cold. I
would have worked every day if they wanted me to. No prima donnas here.
All I asked was that all of the brown M&M's be removed from Craft
Services. Seriously, the toughest part of the gig would have to have been
the commute each day from Atlanta to the set, which was a good hour+ each
were the best of the bunch in your book, acting wise?
The standouts as far as acting
in my opinion were in no particular order, Tracy, Pamela, Daryl, Haynes,
and Kyle.
you ever contacted about appearing in an SC4?
but I would love to be involved with it. After all, I am a survivor right?
How many people in SC movies can say THAT?
turned up in Scream 2, which was a fun cameo. What's the story there?
They shot in Atlanta if I'm correct?
played a reporter in Scream 2, and it was also a very pleasant experience.
Wes Craven was a true gentleman. My scene was with Courteney Cox and Liev
Schriber about 3/4 through the film. Liev is a very intelligent and talented
actor. They filmed most of the exteriors here in Atlanta at Agnes Scott
you bumped into any of your Teenage Wasteland cohorts over the years?
as I said earlier I still see Kim Wall probably more than anyone else.
Sandra Dorsey still teaches acting here in Atlanta, I believe. Michael
is staying pretty busy these days. I do run into some of the production
folks quite often on other gigs. I just worked with Randi Layne on another
film where she was a stunt double for Candis Bergen.
have you been doing since? I know you've done some voice work...
I've been fortunate enough to do this (acting) for a living now. I work
a great deal as a spokesperson in corporate videos, voice-overs, and commercials.
What I do now is pretty far removed from 'Tony Deherrera'! I can honestly
say that working on SC3 was the most fun I've ever had on a project. Most
of the crew were musicians, and every night after filming we would all
have this massive jam session/party. Speaking of the crew, SC2 & 3
had an awesome crew. Top notch, true professionals. I just finished working
on a film that will be released this fall entitled "Sweet Home Alabama".
It stars Reese Witherspoon, Patrick Dempsey, Candis Bergen, and Fred Ward.
I had a very small part in it as a high profile security guard at a wedding.
It was a lot of fun to work on.
Thanks for dropping by, Mark. Glad to
see you're free of bad hair days!
