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Director's Note

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying." - Woody Allen

Spoken like a true camper!

When James Hendsbee, the British Columbia webmaster (Sleepaway Camp Lives), first contacted me more than two years ago to ask if I’d do an interview for his site about the making of Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers and Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland, I was more than a little surprised to discover that these movies from the golden age of slasher horror had developed a devoted following.

Since then, I’ve received emails from webmasters and fans stretching from Europe to Asia who want to discuss Angela’s exploits. They all speak with great passion about the popular cult franchise and often seem to know more about the movies and how they were made than I do.

I’m often asked the question: What do I think the attraction of these films is?

The short answer is I don’t have a clue.

What I do know is that movies are made for the people who enjoy them and I’m grateful that a new generation of fans has discovered Unhappy Campers and Teenage Wasteland and will now be able to view them on DVD.

Anchor Bay and Crest National did an excellent job authoring the DVDs. I worked closely with them to make sure all the extras that fans have clamoured for would be on these releases and they are. Numerous bonus features are included, many of which are available to campers for the first time. The new low-con prints that were transferred to digital beta now allow you to bask in every frame of Angela’s off-beat adventures.

Creating the world’s first transsexual psychopath, a crucial step away from the somber, Psycho-esque cross-dressing narrative of the first tale, was the brainchild of writer Fritz Gordon, as was the pop-culture humor that infuses the sequels. Taking up the challenge of creating this unique character, Pamela Springsteen brought a pitch perfect take to the character of Angela, effortlessly blending the dark humor and morbid action.

The talented cast and crew had great fun making these two movies and it’s my hope that you’ll have as much enjoyment watching them.

So pack your bag and don’t forget your flashlight. It’s time to go to camp!

Michael A. Simpson
May 2002



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